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Lonesome Soldier – Movie Review

Friendly Review : Lonesome Soldier

“In a nutshell, this movie really touched my heart since one of my sons is in the military. It’s about a soldier who comes back from the Iraq War and struggles with PTSD as he tries to adjust to civilian life. The fact that it’s based on a true story makes it even more powerful, as it represents the challenges many soldiers face. It’s amazing to see that some of the cast members are veterans themselves. As a grateful nation, we truly appreciate their service to our country.

The film was directed by Nino Aldi, and the writing credits go to Lionel Chetwynd and Alexander Randazzo.

One of the things I really liked about the movie was discovering Alexander Randazzo’s talent. I became a fan instantly! Not only did he act in the movie, but he also helped write and produce it. His portrayal of the different stages of his character’s journey, from pre-war idealism to a recovering soldier, was truly believable. He did an outstanding job, and I want to congratulate him on his performance.

There’s a powerful speech at the 1 hour 23 minute mark that every returning soldier should hear. It really captures the emotions and struggles they go through.

I was deeply moved by the depiction of a mother’s fierce love and loyalty to her son. It reminded me of the powerful love I have for my own sons. It’s incredible how love like that can make such a difference.

The movie also showcases some realistic action sequences with soldiers in Iraq, highlighting the strong bond and brotherhood among them. It also sheds light on the heart-wrenching moments that haunt them long after their service.

I appreciate how the movie portrays the heavy toll that soldiers’ families endure. Seeing what my son and his wife have gone through during his military service, I can say that the families of soldiers sacrifice a lot too. They deserve our utmost respect and support.

Every scene in the movie is filled with raw and honest emotion that will truly hit you in the gut. It’s a powerful and thought-provoking film.”


5/5 - (1 vote)
Nov 25, 2023 - Posted by filmygod - No Comments

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