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Priyadarshi shines in ‘Darling’ despite the film’s cringeworthy missteps.

The film shows a glimpse of promise in the scene where Raghav and Anandi visit his parents’ home to share their intention to marry.

Darling poster

In Hyderabad, my initial thoughts after watching the trailer for Darling, the comedy starring Priyadarshi and Nabha Natesh, left me with many questions. I wondered if the film would handle multiple-personality disorder sensitively or turn it into a comedy cliché. However, as I delved into the movie, I realized that these concerns were just the tip of the iceberg. Aswin Raam’s direction in Darling presents more significant challenges.

The storyline follows Raghav (played by Priyadarshi) and Anandi (portrayed by Nabha Natesh), who meet by chance on a hilltop, connect, and quickly tie the knot. Soon after, Raghav discovers the complexity of Anandi’s personality as he learns about her struggle with multiple personality disorder. The film ventures into daring territory by centering its plot on a man navigating his wife’s serious medical condition through unconventional means. However, the execution walks a fine line between boldness and recklessness, a delicate balance that requires a skilled writer and filmmaker to master. Darling, unfortunately, falls short in this aspect. The movie’s first half, filled with intermittent humor relying heavily on slapstick comedy, transitions into a mix of exaggerated humor and sentimental family drama in the latter part. Aswin Raam attempts to sustain the momentum but struggles to maintain a cohesive narrative, ultimately leaving the audience wanting more.

In the movie, there’s a strong focus on portraying a fairytale-like love story. However, it leaves us wondering if Raghav truly accepts Anandi’s lifelong medical condition. Will he come to terms with the challenges ahead, or is he oblivious to the reality that their future won’t always be smooth sailing? The film fails to hint at Raghav’s acknowledgment of the hardships they may face, opting instead for a picture-perfect happy ending that overlooks the underlying sadness of their ongoing journey together.

Despite its shortcomings, one positive aspect of watching Darling is that it prompts viewers to explore the topic of multiple personality disorder. A brief delve into this subject reveals that the disorder cannot be completely cured but can be managed. It’s a shame that the filmmakers didn’t invest a little more effort into incorporating this crucial aspect into the movie.

Film: Darling

Starring: Priyadarshi, Nabha Natesh, Ananya Nagalla, Vishnu Oi, Moin

Director: Aswin Raam

Rating: 1.5/5

5/5 - (1 vote)
Aug 5, 2024 - Posted by filmygod - No Comments

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