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The Village – Movie Review

Friendly Review : The Village

Oh wow, it sounds like this series really didn’t meet your expectations! It’s frustrating when a series turns out to be disgusting, illogical, and irritating. It’s a shame when a series tries to imitate another one like “Wrong Turn” but fails in the writing and directing department. It’s disappointing when the thrill factor starts off below par and only gets worse as you continue watching. The dialogues, screenplay, narratives, and intrigue factor all fall short and don’t captivate you in any way. It’s really unfortunate that the story feels like it was written by a 5-year-old, and the visuals that were supposed to give you thrills end up being extremely awful. It’s surprising that in 2023, the director seems to be stuck in the 1970s. It’s understandable that you had to stop watching at some point. Thanks for sharing your honest opinion about the series! 🙌😊

Oh no, it sounds like you didn’t enjoy the series at all! It’s disappointing when a script doesn’t live up to expectations. Poor casting, CGI, and dialogues can really impact the overall experience. It’s a shame when directors resort to copying stories and scenes from other movies instead of coming up with fresh ideas. It’s good that you found some positive aspects like Naren’s acting in certain scenes and a surprising twist, but it seems like those weren’t enough to make up for the overall disappointment. Arya might need to work on his acting skills and dialogue delivery. It’s possible that the production budget was limited, which could explain the low quality CGI. It’s always a letdown when a series starts off strong but ends on a disappointing note. It sounds like it wasn’t worth your time. Thanks for sharing your honest opinion! 😊👍

3.7/5 - (7 votes)
Dec 6, 2023 - Posted by filmygod - No Comments

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